About Meta Motion
Meta Motion History
Meta Motion was founded in 1999 by Lee Dickholtz, an animator whom has worked professionally with 3D animation and production since 1986. Prior to founding Meta Motion Mr. Dickholtz was the Vice President of Multi-Media development for CADCrafts / ID8 Media / Ideate Inc. Mr. Dickholtz helped take CADCrafts from verging on loosing their Kinetix dealership to being the world's second largest dealer for 3D Studio MAX.
Meta Motion was founded primarily to distribute the Analogus Gypsy 2.5 (now Animazoo Gypsy 6) world-wide. Meta Motion was instrumental in the development of the Gypsy system which lead to development of the world’s first commercially available Inertial System (the Gypsy Gyro – now known as the IGS-190 system.)
Over time the product line grew to include Kaydara FiLMBOX (now Autodesk MotionBuilder) Cybergloves, Datagloves, Face Trackers and optical systems and motion capture / animation services.
Meta Motion’s basic sales philosophy has always been to do our best job providing what the client needs. Our willingness to fully explain the pros and cons of different technologies has brought success in a field dominated by cash-heavy manufacturers with a motto of spend-spend-spend while trying to take sales from ‘the other guy’.
Our technical strength extends to such diverse areas as ergonomics, product development, medical analysis and virtual reality and simulation.
Please feel free to contact us if you require further information or need assistance with motion capture hardware and software sales and motion capture rental services.