Hand and Facial Motion Capture
Datagloves by 5DT
There are a variety of gloves which can be used for capture of hand motions. Common uses range from capture hand motions to be used on a virtual character to puppeteering of a characterss facial expression or humanoid or non-humanoid appendages.
Motion Capture gloves range in price from roughly $2000 per pair for wired or $3500 per pair for wireless up to approximately $40,000 per pair for top of the line 22-sensor Cybergloves. Differentiating factors include the number of joints sensed. A five-sensor glove measures curl of each finger but cannot differentiate the degree of movement per knuckle. Basically, the 5 sensor gloves record the curl of each finger, from open palm to closed fist. Sixteen sensor glove record each finger joint and add 'adduction' (recording how close or far apart each finger is). 22 Sensor gloves measure motions of the palm, including more complex motions of the palms.
Meta Motion supplies Datagloves from Fifth Dimension Technologies (5DT) and Cybergloves from Immersion 3D.
5DT Data Glove 5 Ultra
Measures finger flexure (1 sensor per finger) and the orientation
(pitch and roll) of the user's hand. It can emulate a mouse as well
as a baseless joystick. The system interfaces with the computer
via a cable to the serial port (RS 232 - platform independent).
It features 8-bit flexure resolution, extreme comfort, low drift
and an open architecture. The 5DT Data Glove 5-W is the wireless
(untethered) version of the 5DT Data Glove 5.
The wireless system interfaces with the computer via a radio link (up to 20m distance) on the serial port (RS 232). Right- and left-handed models are available. One size fits many (stretch lycra). Features: Affordable quality Extreme comfort Open architecture Mouse emulation mode Right/Left hand versions VR program drivers 8-bit flexure resolution One size fits many Built-in tilt sensor High update rate. Bundled software. Low drift.
5DT Data Glove 14 Ultra
A 14-sensor data glove that measures finger flexure (2 sensors per finger) as well as the abduction between fingers. It is the higher-end version of the 5DT Data Glove 5. Features: Affordable quality Extreme comfort One size fits many Automatic calibration - minimum 8-bit flexure resolution Platform independent - serial port interface (RS 232) Cross-platform drivers Bundled software High update rate On-board processor Low crosstalk between fingers Wireless version available (5DT Data Glove 16-W) Quick "hot release" connection.
Material: Black stretch lycra Flexure resolution: 12-bit A/D. Minimum dynamic range is 8 bits. Flexure sensors: Proprietary fiber optic based flexor technology. 2 Sensors per finger (1st joint [knuckle], 2nd joint). Abduction sensors between fingers. Computer interface: RS 232 (2-wire: GND, TX) 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity 19200 bps (transmit only) [9600 bps for wireless glove] Power supply: 9V DC center positive (150mA) Sampling rate: The full hand (14 sensors) may be sampled at up to 100 samples per second. Transmission frequency: Right-handed wireless glove: 418MHz Left-handed wireless glove: 433.92MHz Wireless range: Up to 30m. Options: Wireless operation Right- and left-handed.